
What smalltalks are, how they are activated and what needs to be considered

In the world of AI chatbots, it is not only efficiency in solving requests that plays a decisive role, but also the most positive customer journey possible. How does the chatbot react to requests that are not related to the intent or even to annoyance on the part of the user? Smalltalks in the AI chatbot are one way to provide a response to these requests. Although Smalltalks are usually of low relevance (about 0.5% of all requests), as most users primarily use the chatbot to make specific requests, they still help to make communication more interactive and natural.
Smalltalks are intents that can be activated away from normal intents. They help the AI chatbot understand and answer queries that are not product-specific. Such requests can, for example, ask about the weather or be insulting.
Smalltalks are not deducted from the available intent budget.


Add smalltalks

Smalltalks can be created in a similar way to regular new intents by clicking on "New Intent" in the intent overview at the top right hand corner. This opens the "New Intent" form on the right-hand side. If Smalltalks is selected below the form "All templates", all existing Smalltalks are listed.

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With a click on the smalltalk to be created and then on "Add Intent", the smalltalk is available in the intentlist and directly in the chatbot.

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After a Smalltalk has been created, a sample answer is directly deposited. It is recommended to adapt it with regard to the use case and the wording used.

List of all available smalltalks 

Apart from the default Smalltalks "Skills", "Human" and "Name", there are also the following Smalltalks:

  • Age
  • Other Language
  • Thanks
  • Greeting of bot
  • Insult
  • Do not need you
  • Fähigkeiten
  • Gender
  • Intelligence
  • Can nothing
  • Human nature of bot
  • Talk with people
  • Meaning of life
  • In love
  • Weather
  • How are you?
  • Joke

Best practices for smalltalk responses

For some Smalltalks , the answer should be tailored to the specific use case in which it is played out. These include intents such as "Talk to people", "Skills" or "Languages". 

It is advisable to provide information on which topics the AI chatbot can help with (skills), which languages it can use (languages) or to include forms to establish contact with a real person (talk to people).

The Smalltalk can thus recognise the non-product-related requests and with the help of the individually tailored response content, the appropriate response content can be played out.