Your chatbot will take off and reach more users, generate insights and expand its knowledge.
Optimisation of the chatbot content and of the chatbot integration on the website offers the potential to achieve the chatbot's goals even faster.The previous results of the AI chatbot can be viewed in the moinAI Hub under the menu item Statistics. The development of the performance is displayed in the dashboard.
With the following optimisations, the chatbot will be a success for every use case - we have made this experience not only with Moini, the chatbot.
Increase visibility for website visitors
The chat widget should be available on all pages of the website, because questions can arise at any point in the customer journey.
To draw users' attention to the chatbot service, a teaser is added to the chat widget. Especially on information and product pages as well as sub-pages with increased service requirements, such as FAQ, contact, imprint or the 404 error page, a teaser supports the website visitor.Tip
The teaser is adapted for sub-pages in order to suggest relevant topics in each case and thus offer help in the chat matching the context of the sub-page.
Experts hint
An additional "Chat now" button, e.g. at the top right of the website or on the contact page, draws attention to the chat service. The button is added by the person responsible for the website and invokes the Open Chat widget command.
The increased visibility results in more conversations with the chatbot and therefore more automated requests and new insights.
Add missing topics - accept AI suggestions
The AI of the chatbot regularly suggests new topics that are requested by users and can be found in the moinAI Hub under the menu item Topics. These AI suggestions always provide exciting insights into the behaviour of website visitors.
Each suggestion is a relevant topic for users and has been provided with a short description by our AI experts in the Hub. In addition, five exemplary queries are listed for each suggestion, similar to what users have asked about it so far.
By activating the new topics, the digital assistant will recognize the corresponding queries and play out the answer content that you created in the Hub. Hence, the chatbot's knowledge will continuously grow according to user needs and the service team will be supported even more.
With new topics and detailed answers, the digital assistant becomes smarter and offers website visitors increased added value. This increases automation in the hub and improves user ratings.
If suitable answer content for newly suggested topics is already stored in existing topics, the new topic is activated and then a forwarding to the previously existing topic is stored in the status. This makes the chatbot smarter without having to add new content directly.
Answering queries on a case-by-case basis
If If chatbot answers to not contain the required details, users leave a negative rating. They may then contact the service team with a call, an email or a takeover. In the statistics in the moinAI Hub, requests from users who have left a negative rating can be filtered in order to optimise the response content based on this.
Chatbot answers should be designed using various conversational design elements and contain all relevant information. Multiple choice questions are particularly helpful for extensive answers, as they can be used to display the required details depending on the user's selection.
With the Follow-Up element, another topic can be suggested at the end of the answer content in order to provide users with further relevant information or information that matches their next step.
Help out even in difficult situations
If a user request cannot be assigned to a topic the Not Understood message will be played.
If a query is played out in the case of uncertainty and is denied by the users or a chatbot answer is rated negatively, the Unhappy Path is played out. Further help is therefore offered to the user:
At least six helpful chatbot topics with easy-to-understand titles are offered in each of the two basic conversational design elements. Suitable topics are e.g. frequently asked questions, service related questions or problems. Topics that are to be promoted, such as "Request a quote", can also be suggested to users here.
The topics offered should be regularly checked for relevance and expanded or updated in order to offer suitable help to users whose enquiry could not be answered directly.