Knowledge Check in the knowledge base

All information regarding the knowledge check in the knowledge base

The knowledge check is disabled by default.
The knowledge check function for the knowledge base ensures that the generative AI only responds if it is very certain that the content of the response is correct and that the facts required for the response are available. The use of the tool may hinder the automation rate of the chatbot as it can prevent responses to requests. 

Enabling the knowledge check should only take place after consulting the customer success management. Its implementation only makes sense if sufficient and comprehensive knowledge documentation is stored.

The AI recognizes a request and assigns it to an existing intent. Here, the AI works with confidence values. Roughly speaking, these confidence values correspond to the categories very certain, certain, uncertain and very uncertain.

If the knowledge check is activated, the generative AI only responds to queries for which it is very certain that it knows the correct answer. This also means that queries for which the AI is “only” certain that it knows the correct answer are left unanswered.