FAQ - Problems & solutions

Answers to frequently asked questions about problems when using moinAI

Many common problems when setting up a chatbot and using moinAI can be quickly resolved.

The AI chatbot does not recognise requests or only plays out the not-understood message.

So that the live chatbot can play out the corresponding answers for requests, it is necessary that the intents in the status are set to Active in the live bot and that the current status of the content has been published (more on this).

How do I invite other people to the moinAI Hub?
Chatbot owners can directly invite new users to the hub by selecting the role. They then will receive an invitation email with the link to activate their account (read more)

I have problems logging in or the login does not work.
To resolve login problems, a hard reload of the browser should be performed (read more). Alternatively, you can open the hub in the incognito window and log in.

Why do I see different/outdated content than other Hub users?
Different or outdated content appears if the changes have not yet been saved.
If changes have been made in the Hub, these must also be saved (more on this). As long as the responses have not been saved, they remain as a local draft in the browser of the Hub users who have edited them. Only once the changes have been saved are they visible to all hub users.